Quickly Find the Best Non Owner Car Insurance Rates

Quickly Find the Best Non Owner Car Insurance Rates
If you have been borrowing a vehicle that isn't your own, or perhaps you rent vehicles often, you may want to look into carrying separate auto insurance for yourself. The question is, however, how do you find and carry the right insurance if you do not own a vehicle? The answer is quite simple, and in fact, you are required by law to carry it.

Quickly Find the Best Non Owner Car Insurance Rates
Quickly Find the Best Non Owner Car Insurance Rates

If you have been borrowing a vehicle that isn't your own, or perhaps you rent vehicles often, you may want to look into carrying separate auto insurance for yourself. The question is, however, how do you find and carry the right insurance if you do not own a vehicle? The answer is quite simple, and in fact, you are required by law to carry it.

You are not expected to buy a full insurance policy if you do not expect to own a car. You are, however, expected to carry coverage that will cover you in the event that you get in an accident in which you are found at-fault. In addition, there are some states, like New York, which are called no-fault state, and require that you carry additional non-driver coverage for himself covering the situation where neither the driver is found missing. Of course, most states also require that you carry coverage for uninsured drivers as well.

So how do you go about purchasing a non owner insurance policy? The answer is quite simple... you get a quote! The best place you can in today's day of the internet and instantaneous information is online. There you will find that you can not only get a quote but compare different companies and compare their quotes and coverage side-by-side. You will find that a couple of the big named companies specifically cater to the non-owners that are out there.

You should expect to pay quite a bit less than what you would pay if you were obtaining a full insurance policy. The reason is that you're not insuring your car and everyone else who drives it now... you're simply insuring yourself and whatever car you find yourself behind for whatever reason. Because of this you will find that your deductions are higher, your policy coverage is more limited in scope. For example, if something happens to the car that is not a moving accident, such as a branch falling on your car, you will be surprised to find that many non-owner insurance policies may not cover you.

If you find yourself renting frequently, it sometimes is a good idea to look into the coverage provided by your company or your credit card. Most cards contain at least a minimum amount of coverage as a member service. You should be aware, however, that they typically do not cover any deductible requirements set by the rental company and you will be held liable for that if you are in an accident, regardless of fault.

Now you can quickly compare rates online from all of the insurance companies and see which is the lowest. You'll be shocked to see how low your rates can really be.

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